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Common Reasons:

Most people taking the class seem to be interested in the interactions between humans and their media.  Everyone uses a variety of media and they want to see how it interacts with computing.  Every student uses some sort of media whether it's a phone, television, or music, which means that learning about what we use helps us improve.  With that in mind, everyone seems eager to learn about what the future of media holds. 




Common Interests:

A lot of common media being used involved social media more specifically Facebook.  Everyone has some sort of television viewing, movies, and video games.  The most common television theme was comedies, while the most common show listed was the popular drama, Breaking Bad.  Music varied a lot when it came to types of music.  Choices ranged from Pop to Country to Electronic.  Video games varied a lot as well.  A lot of popular games  that were mentioned were Call of Duty, League of Legends, Minecraft, and FIFA.  With a lot of these things being different, most if not all students were found to be using email, cell phones, and the internet in general.  This trend is an accurate representation of where students are going today with their media preferences. 

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